

const common = require('./common');

 * A module related to xMatters integrations.<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @module integrations

 * Get a device from xMatters<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} env The xmtoolbox representation of an xMatters instance.
 * @param {*} planId The UUID of the communication plan that the integration belongs to. To get the ID of a plan, use plans.get() or plans.getMany()
 * @param {*} integrationId The name or unique identifier (id) of the integration.
 * @returns {Promise<Integration>} Integration Object Requested
async function get(env, planId, integrationId) {
  return common.get(env, `/api/xm/1/plans/${planId}/integrations/`, integrationId, null, 'Integration');

 * Get all integrations from xMatters matching the query. Please refer to the link below for the available query parameters.<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} env The xmtoolbox representation of an xMatters instance.
 * @param {Object} query A json object representing the query string parameters for this request.
 * @param {*} planId The UUID of the communication plan that you want to list integrations for. Use plans.get() or plans.getMany() to get the UUID of a plan.
 * @returns {Promise<Integration[]>} Array of Integration Objects Requested
async function getMany(env, query, planId) {
  return common.getMany(env, `/api/xm/1/plans/${planId}/integrations`, query, 'Integrations');

 * Get all integration logs from xMatters matching the query. Please refer to the link below for the available query parameters.<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} env The xmtoolbox representation of an xMatters instance.
 * @param {Object} query A json object representing the query string parameters for this request.
 * @param {*} integrationId The UUID of the integration that you want to retrieve the logs for. Use integrations.getMany() to get the UUID of an integration.
 * @returns {Promise<IntegrationLog[]>} Array of IntegrationLog Objects Requested
async function getLogs(env, query, integrationId) {
  return common.getMany(env, `/api/xm/1/integrations/${integrationId}`, query, 'Integration Logs');

 * Create an integration in xMatters<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} env The xmtoolbox representation of an xMatters instance.
 * @param {*} integration {@link}
 * @param {*} planId The UUID of the communication plan that is associated with the integration.
 * @returns {Promise<Integration>} Integration Object Created
async function create(env, integration, planId) {
  return common.create(env, `/api/xm/1/plans/${planId}/integrations`, integration, 'Integration', true);

 * Update an integration in xMatters<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} env The xmtoolbox representation of an xMatters instance.
 * @param {*} integration {@link}
 * @param {*} integrationId The unique identifier (id) of the integration you want to modify.<br><br>
 * Examples:<br>
 * - 345c95ee-4abe-47ea-ae7c-ae84fb4bee4f<br>
 * @param {*} planId The UUID of the communication plan that is associated with the integration.
 * @returns {Promise<Integration>} Integration Object Updated
async function update(env, integration, integrationId, planId) {
  return common.update(

 * Delete an integration in xMatters<br><br>
 * {@link}
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} env The xmtoolbox representation of an xMatters instance.
 * @param {*} integrationId The name or UUID of the integration.
 * @param {*} planId The UUID of the communication plan that is associated with the integration.
 * @returns {Promise}
 * @name delete
async function _delete(env, integrationId, planId) {
  await common.delete(env, `/api/xm/1/plans/${planId}/integrations/`, integrationId, 'Integration');

 * Transforms an array of records exported from xMatters to the format needed to import into xMatters.
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} destination The xmtoolbox representation of the target or destination xMatters instance.
 * @param {Integration[]} integrations {@link}
 * @param {xMattersObjects} destinationData The xMatters data for the destination.
 * @returns {Promise}
async function exportToImport(destination, integrations, destinationData) {
  const destinationForms = (destinationData.all ? destinationData.all.forms : null) || destinationData.forms;
  const destinationPlanEndpoints =
    (destinationData.all ? destinationData.all.planEndpoints : null) || destinationData.planEndpoints;
  return common.convertDefaultInitial(await integrations, convert);

  function convert(integration) {
      //set form
      //form can be supplied as a string representing the name of the form or an object with name key.
      const formName =;
      integration.form = common.AssignParentObject(integration.form, destinationForms, 'name');

      //if the formName was returned rather than the id.
      if (formName === integration.form) {
          `DATA INTEGRITY ISSUE: Integration [${}] has form [${formName}] but a form with that name was not found in the provided destination data.`

      if (integration.endpoint) {
        //if this has an endpoint, update the endpoint value with the id
        //of the destination endpoint with the same plan and endpoint name.
        integration.endpoint = common.AssignParentObject(
          destinationPlanEndpoints.filter(({ plan }) => ===,

      //remove unnecessary fields that are not synced.
      delete integration.originType;
      delete integration.migratedOutboundTrigger;
      delete integration.type;
      delete integration.links;

      return integration;

 * The key values from the object that can be synchronized.
const fields = [

 * Synchronizes an array of objects from a source with destination objects and updates the destination as necessary.
 * @param {module:environments.xMattersEnvironment} destination The xmtoolbox representation of the target or destination xMatters instance.
 * @param {Integration[]} sourceIntegrations  An array of the integration objects to synchronize from the source data.
 * @param {Integration[]} destinationIntegrations An array of the integration objects to synchronize from the destination data.
 * @param {Object} options
async function sync(destination, sourceIntegrations, destinationIntegrations, options) {
  return common.syncObject(
    ['name', 'form'],

exports.get = get;
exports.getMany = getMany;
exports.getLogs = getLogs;
exports.create = create;
exports.update = update;
exports.delete = _delete;
exports.exportToImport = exportToImport;
exports.fields = fields;
exports.sync = sync;